Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Soweto/Carnivore/Cheetah/Vet School

Hi all :) Here are some photos of what I've been doing the last two days :)

First, yesterday we went to Soweto... below is a picture of the outside monument of one of the museums we went to. It was a museum to remember the uprising on June 16th 1976. Then there is a picture of an informal settlement with a little girl who came running out waving to us :-D And finally there is a picture of a painted wall... I just really liked the saying :)
And here are some photos of of the Carnivore restuarant we went to! There is one of the spears/swords they used to cook the meat and th pit they were in... one of the fun drinks we could order (I got the blue one :-D)... and finally one of the menu! I really hope you can open it up... and if you can't I'll show everyone when I get home :-D

Today we went to the De Wildte cheetah reserve. Here is one of a sign pointing to the bathroom :-D I liked it!! Next is one of a wild dog rolling around in his food bowl... then there is one of a group of cheetahs eating their food. For both those pictures we were i nthe enclosed areas with those animals :) Very cool :-D Finally there is one of the three of us (from left to right: Abby, Christina, ME!, Andrea) petting a cheetah!!Finally some South African Vet school pictures :-D They had a very nice school, the anatomy specimens were my favorite :-D The first picture is of a Boerboel. It's a breed specific to South Africa, kind of a cross between a mastiff and a pitbull (here's a link to read more about them http://www.bakariboerboel.com/BreedInfo.html)... this dog was built!! And look at those scars on it's side! Mostly these are used for protection around houses.. there is a lot of that here. High gates with either razor wire or electric fencing and guard dogs. Don't worry though... all the places we've stayed at so far have security guards of their own!! The other picture is of a section of their ICU... it was interesting to me how these little cages looked like baby cribs :) Alright! That's it for now. Tomorrow is a no photo day cause we will be visiting the American Ambassy and a chicken slaughter plant but as soon as I have more good ones I'l be posting them :-D Keep the comments coming!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Hi all :) This has to be quick cause I have to pay for internet today but I wanted to post a couple pictures of London :-D

These are just a couple of the ones I thought were interesting and I'll post the traditional London pictures when I have free internet (or just next time if I have to pay there too :)).

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Finals hurt

Well... I'm almost done with finals. One more to go tomorrow... Keep your fingers crossed that it goes alright. It's principles of anesthesia and surgery and it's cumulative :-O And poor cedar.. it's been a long weekend and 3 days of me studying and him getting minimal attention. Here's how he looks tonight... he's gotten a bunch of toy out just for me to not notice so he laid down and surrendered :) Tomorrow he gets the longest walk ever followed by play time and lots of brushing/petting (so don't worry Nancy!) :-D