Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Soweto/Carnivore/Cheetah/Vet School

Hi all :) Here are some photos of what I've been doing the last two days :)

First, yesterday we went to Soweto... below is a picture of the outside monument of one of the museums we went to. It was a museum to remember the uprising on June 16th 1976. Then there is a picture of an informal settlement with a little girl who came running out waving to us :-D And finally there is a picture of a painted wall... I just really liked the saying :)
And here are some photos of of the Carnivore restuarant we went to! There is one of the spears/swords they used to cook the meat and th pit they were in... one of the fun drinks we could order (I got the blue one :-D)... and finally one of the menu! I really hope you can open it up... and if you can't I'll show everyone when I get home :-D

Today we went to the De Wildte cheetah reserve. Here is one of a sign pointing to the bathroom :-D I liked it!! Next is one of a wild dog rolling around in his food bowl... then there is one of a group of cheetahs eating their food. For both those pictures we were i nthe enclosed areas with those animals :) Very cool :-D Finally there is one of the three of us (from left to right: Abby, Christina, ME!, Andrea) petting a cheetah!!Finally some South African Vet school pictures :-D They had a very nice school, the anatomy specimens were my favorite :-D The first picture is of a Boerboel. It's a breed specific to South Africa, kind of a cross between a mastiff and a pitbull (here's a link to read more about them http://www.bakariboerboel.com/BreedInfo.html)... this dog was built!! And look at those scars on it's side! Mostly these are used for protection around houses.. there is a lot of that here. High gates with either razor wire or electric fencing and guard dogs. Don't worry though... all the places we've stayed at so far have security guards of their own!! The other picture is of a section of their ICU... it was interesting to me how these little cages looked like baby cribs :) Alright! That's it for now. Tomorrow is a no photo day cause we will be visiting the American Ambassy and a chicken slaughter plant but as soon as I have more good ones I'l be posting them :-D Keep the comments coming!!!


Dad said...

Petting wild animals? I did not know you were going to do things like that!! Come home NOW! :)

Lynn said...

You have some very interesting photos!! I think my heart would be pounding being that close to a Cheetah....was he sedated?
Tell me more about the little girl that came out to wave. Was your group just driving by?
I checked out the dog website too. All very interesting places....keep them photos and info coming!

Kirsten... yep, that's me! said...

:-D Nope, cheetah was not sedated :) At one point he got up staring at the other cheetah outside and we all had to take a step back... mine was a large step back :-D We also got the instuctions of don't pet his belly or legs, he doesn't like it and don't stare him in the eyes, he will take it as a chalenge and never backs away from a challenge :) Very cool though!

I believe the little girl was just living in the village and when she saw out bus came out running and waving :) Lots of the people were like that, waving at us and everything, it was very neat :)

Aunt Karen said...

Hi Kirsten,
We've been thinking about you... looks like a fabulous trip!
Be careful where you pet....
Aunt Karen & Amy

Che'rie & Dori said...

Great Photos!!! Looks like you're having a wonderful time already. It's my understanding that the Cheetah petting was not on the itinerary...and I do believe your mom has made it a point to carefully read the rest of the itinerary. She also mentioned that the swimming with sharks was not listed there either. Any other adventures you might want to share prior to the pictures showing up? :-)

Looks like lots of fun. Can’t wait to hear the stories in person. Enjoy yourself, and above all BE SAFE!

Sparky said...

Looking forward to more photos.. Have fun BE SAFE!

Linda said...

You done a lot in the short time you've been there. But being in an enclosure with non-sedated wild animals . . . . you're braver than I am =:-o

Julie S said...

Hi Kirsten:

Looks like lots of fun...stuff you can't do here. I'm really enjoying seeing your photos...it's a part of the world that I don't know much about, but would like to go there after seeing your pictures!

You stay safe and we'll see you soon!
