Sunday, May 13, 2007


Hi all :) This has to be quick cause I have to pay for internet today but I wanted to post a couple pictures of London :-D

These are just a couple of the ones I thought were interesting and I'll post the traditional London pictures when I have free internet (or just next time if I have to pay there too :)).


Lynn said...

I can hardly wait to hear more about London.
It was hard to read the the sign, something about "no dogs", but I couldn't read the rest of it.
Did you guys cover much ground in the 6 hours you had?

Che'rie & Dori said...

Don't you just love other cultures! I love the everyday way of doing things in different counrties. Like fish for breakfast. Or the mail system on rural routes. Keep your eye open and let me know about the African ways of life.

Che'rie & Dori said...

Great Photos!!! Can't wait to see the traditional ones. Glad you made it safely and am looking forward to hearing all about your adventures as you go. Keep us posted. :-)

Linda said...

Love the photos particularly the little horse and rider in the traffic light. What do the green and amber lights have? It's so fun seeing the wordage on the signs . . . so different than how we speak. I probably would never had the presence of mind to take pictures of those things. So glad you did.

Linda said...


You can double click on the pictures and it enlarges them so you can read the signs. It only worked on some of the pictures though

Kirsten... yep, that's me! said...

Hi all :) I don't know why only some of the pictures will allow you to enlarge them :( I'll try to fix it when I'm back home. THe second sign one though will enlarge and show you what it says :-D We covered way too much ground while in London... we were hoofing it, and you all know how I like to walk ;-) I thought the crosswalk signs were neat cause they had a little guy walking, the stop hand, a bicycle, and the horse :-D Green to go and red to stop just like home but the horse was kinda neat :)

Glad you all enjoy them!!