Saturday, June 30, 2007

Penguins/Table Mountain/Robben Island

This is the last round of pictures from my South Africa adventure :) Hope you had fun!

These are from Table Mountain National Park where the South African penguin reside. They were terribly cute all waddling around. Apparently the South African penguins are called jackass penguins cause they sound like donkeys when the make noise... the people of South Africa don't really appreciate this and are trying to get them recognized more so as the South African penguins :) The last picture is the only picture I got of Table Mountain... it was while we were driving :)Our last day (before heading to the airport) was pent on Robben Island. This is the island Nelson Mandela was held from 1964 to 1982. Here we got a bus tour of the island hosted by previous inmates (mostly political prisoners) and then a walking tour of the prison. I was more impressed with the bus tour... they took us to the lime quarry in which he worked and in general gave a very good, very understandable tour. The man who gave us the walking tour of the prison was hard to understand and we only got to see Mandela's cell from the outside (it's the window that's open). All in all it was a good experience.And finally here's a picture of the Quantum 2... our van! And one of our luggage loaders :-D These guys were our lifesavers!And that's my South African trip! For anyone who lives near me my tapes are open for viewing to whoever so desires!! :-D Thanks for reading!

Jersey Winery/Goats Do Roam/Horse Stud

I felt this was one of the most boring legs of our trip. We hit up alot of wineries the only cool ones being one that was on a Jersey cow farm and the Goat Do Roam winery.

First we went to the Jersey cow farm. I have no idea how or why someone thought up combining a farm with a winery but I guess it works. We got to see the milking parlor and talk to the herd manager then we got to do some wine tasting.
My favorite winery was the Goats Do Roam winery. There is wine at World Market by them :) It's neat because they have a little fenced in tower that goats inhabit plus right across the street there is an actual goat farm. They also sell shirts and do a cheese tasting :)
The horse stud place (Arc En Ciel was the name) was fairly boring for me. The horses were pretty and all but I'm just not very interesting in a stud farm. And the tour took forever :-\ But there were some cute dachshunds on the property!

Southern Most Tip/Water Cave/Shark Diving

Here comes the best post yet :)

We'll start with the southern most tip of South Africa... the place that separates the Indian Ocean from the Atlantic Ocean with an imaginary line :) There was a really nice lighthouse there too.
Then we went to a water cave... which just means the mouth of the cave opens up to the water. It was pretty neat but very treacherous getting there. One girl slipped, cut up her hand, and skinned her knee :(
Finally the best part... shark diving :-D It was the coolest thing we did. The sharks were around 2.5-3 meters long and at one point one bit the cage! :-D Another time (while I was in the cage) they guy holding the bait didn't see the shark coming and he ended up making off with the bait :) There are laws against just feeding the sharks so we had a piece of fish hooked to a line and when a shark came the guy would pull it back so he couldn't get it... essentially we were teasing the sharks :-O Before they pulled back they would yell "down, down, down!!" so we could go underwater and look at the sharks. We were in wet suits with weight belts and a mask. It was my favorite part of the whole trip (the sharks not the wetsuit) :-D