Thursday, June 28, 2007

Estuary/Indian Ocean/Durban/Oribi Gorge/Hare Krishna Temple

I'm trying to combine what I can so I can get everything posted in a semi-timely manner... then I can finally move on to my Seattle trip! :-D

So here we are starting with our boat ride on an estuary. I'm not sure which estuary it is but it was pretty nice. A bit cold depending on which direction we were headed but we had a good guide who had alot of good info and we got to see crocodiles and hippos :) There was also some nice scenery and mangrove trees.
Then we went to the Indian Ocean. I was so pretty and very loud :) All of up splashed around in the water (some more than others :)) and walked around on the dunes. After, we went down a little further to look at some crabs. I also (in the spirit of being me :)) took some more random pictures.
The next day we traveled to Durban. Probably one of the scarier cities we stayed in but as long as we travelled in groups I felt ok :) Just general big city weirdness :) We went to a South African version of Sea World called uShaka and then did some shopping. We also got to do laundry! I know, you're wondering why the exclamation point but I had run out of clothes :-D
On our way to some destination we stopped at Oribi Gorge. I'm not sure how "famous" it's supposed to be but it was pretty neat for a gorge :) Very large and gorge-y.
Finally, we went to the Temple of Understanding. The woman who gave us a tour and talked to us about the Hare Krishna beliefs was very nice and not at all pushy about anything. It was very interesting to hear about all their rules and rituals and whatnot. Here is their website if anyone is interested :)

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