Monday, June 18, 2007

Tea Plantation/Foskor Mine

Alright, I know it's been awhile but the internet in South Africa is worst than the slowest dial-up in the states :( So even though I'm now in Seattle we'll start with the rest of SA place by place till it's done then we'll move on... hopefully I can get it all updated before I head back to MI :)

First up is the Tea Plantation. It actually went bankrupt and all the tea trees (bushes?) were overgrown but I still though it was pretty :) The first two pictures are of the view we had while eating lunch :) The next one is of a banana tree! We stopped to take some pictures by a whole field of banana trees, it was pretty neat. My friend Andrea was in heaven... she loves bananas :) The last one is of the first sunset we got to see in South Africa. Even though the dashboard is in the way I still thought it was pretty :) The next day we went to the Foskor mine where they mine phosphate and copper. I didn't really have high hopes for this one but it turned out to be pretty neat. The first picture is of one of the faculty members (Dr Ames) and a student by the wheel of one of these trucks... now, Dr Ames is over 6 feet tall so that should give you some idea of how big these are. Also, if you look a couple pictures down you see me standing by a wheel and we all know how tall I am :) The second picture is of half our group on top one of the big trucks... I'm taking it from atop the other truck giving our half of the group a ride :) It was really neat... I felt like I was riding a very large Tonka truck :-D The last picture is of the mine itself. It was pretty large and a much better trip than i thought it would be :)
That's it for today. Hopefully I'm not too tired tomorrow and I can try to bet some of my animal pictures off my video camera... then I can do a Kruger Park post! Keep your fingers crossed!!


Lynn said...

now those are some BIG tires!
And the banana tree picture is pretty neat also. Too bad you couldn't have a map up and a little dotted line showing us the route as you went.

Julie S said...

Hi Kirsten (aka The Traveler!): :-D

I really liked your photos of SA. What big tires they have...:-)

Don't you look at your pictures in awe? I'm amazed at our many cool things there are to see and how small we humans are in the big picture.

I hope all is well in Seattle...I guess you & Dan were in the same town for one night...they left Sunday at noon and were back in Houghton by Monday midnight. They had 6 drivers...made for a fast trip. MTU took 10th place at the national concrete canoe competition there in Seattle. Go Tech!

Take care and I look forward to your next post!
