Friday, March 16, 2007

Day 4

Hi all :) Today I went into Portland again but not for very long :( I slept too late so I only got an hour, but tomorrow I'm done at the vet office at 4ish so I have the rest of the afternoon to wander around down there :) Since I didn't have much time I don't have Portland pictures... but I do have vet office pictures (which I'll show in a moment)!

Today it was kinda slow again :( There were a couple cool things though :) We had a greyhound come in who was attacked by a housemate (another greyhound who may no longer be a housemate after this). She had 3 large wounds and one small one. The small one was on her foot and luckily no tendons were damaged. 2 large ones were on her neck and, again, luckily the other dog missed her jugular. The lat one was on her back and it looked small until the doctor started probing around and there was actually a pretty large pocket under the muscle and skin. She used a few drains and stitched her up nicely :) Now she looks like Franken-puppy :-D There was also a cat with an abscess that needed a little draining :) All the techs were so excited to have the doctor pop it and see what was in it... honestly, it grossed me out a little :) But with that one they drained it, flushed it, and put in 2 drains.

I also got to draw blood today :) I hit the vein right away, unfortunately I grazed myself first :-/ I took a picture to show you guys :) It looks small but wouldn't quit bleeding :( And right now it's kind of throbbing.

That's about it for the excitement :) Now for the clinic pictures :-D

First the outside... just a quick night-time photo of the outside of the clinic.

Come through the door and here is the front desk - left (where the exam rooms are), center (front desk with medical records behind it), and right (where the waiting area is) :)

Behind the front desk to the right but not quite in the back yet is the "pharmacy"

Up towards the front of the waiting room area there is a room for the 4 blood donor cats :)

This is the office where the Vet's spend much of their time.

And finally the treatment area - Looking in at the beginning of the area (crash cart is the red thing), recovery kennels, and looking towards the front of the treatment area (Dr Kirkham is sewing up that greyhound here and Will is helping with anesthesia... she's almost done :))

Well... that was my day :) I'll definitely have more city photos tomorrow to go along with my last Portland post :) I forgot one clinic picture so look at this post again tomorrow evening to see what I've added :-D It'll be like a game!


Lynn said...

aw, poor greyhound! You had to go wish for excitement didn't you!! ;-)
And "OUCH" on the finger poke.
The clinic looks really nice and also Huge!!


Julie S said...

Hi Kirsten...I hope your finger stops hurting...I like reading your blog and hope you can continue to type!!

It sounds like you're having a great experience. It's tough having animals put down. We had to take Wagner last really makes me think about whether or not I want another dog...IT WAS SO HARD! But the Dr. & staff were wonderful...knew how to help Wagner and us too. Very compassionate and caring all of the vet students I know!

Anyway, I'll be talking to you soon...see you on the 24th!
