Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Now to get ready for spring break!

The musculo test is over! And I did much better on this one than the first one (yeah, I rocked it ;-)) Now it's time to start thinking about packing for Portland. And since you guys know me so well, you know what comes next... list making!

But that's for tomorrow, today I'll tell you what I got to do :) I got to watch a procedure in the teaching hospital :-D A dog with kidney problems was in to have a G-tube (gastic tube - or stomach tube if you like) and a central line (a catheter in the jugular vein - easier access) put in. And I got to watch the endoscopy! So I don't have to explain the reasoning or what it exactly is, here's a link (If there are any questions about it fire away :)). The doctor placed the scope into the stomach, the tech poked at the abdominal wall so she could see where she was on the screen then stuck a catheter in the body wall(dog was under anesthesia, don't worry :)), threaded some suture through it, the student threaded the grabber thingy (kind of like a claw... a little claw) through the endoscope and grabbed the suture, then they pulled everything out (endoscope, grabber thingy, and suture). The tech then threaded the pulled out suture throught the G-tube and they stuck it back down the dogs throat, into the stomach, and out through the hole in the side (very painful looking) until it was tight against the stomach wall. Finally, they used the endoscope to make sure it was in the right place... and I got to press the button to take the still picture. That's right, I'm a pro at the endoscopy picture taking ;-) They did all that because the dog wasn't eating and drinking and this way they can pass liquids right into the stomach. Hopefully she'll start doing better soon :)

That was my day :) Also I taught Cedar how to "speak"! That should be fun, right mom? ;-)

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