Monday, March 12, 2007

The rest of day one

I just finished my first "working" day at the vet clinic. I put working in quotes because I really just follow the vet around, listen to what is going on, and ask questions... if only I could get paid for that it's what I'd do the rest of my life ;-)

Not too much out of the ordinary happened today. They see regular appointments from about 7am to 8pm so we get normal stuff like vaccines. Just about every dog I saw today with Dr Bonnell was a caution so that got a little exciting :) Dr Kirkham had some interesting stuff but the best was that she explained everything to me very well and had me "practice" when I could. By that I mean she had me look in some ears and do a rectal exam :-D (the big fat smile is because I have never done one before and I felt a slightly enlarged prostate :)) She also had a cat with some sort of Pododermatitis which was kinda gross. All 4 paws were affected and the rear ones were all red and bloody with one of the nails falling off... she was going to do a biopsy to try to figure out what it was for sure. They also have digital radiography which is pretty much the coolest thing ever :-D All the x-ray are so detailed it's ridiculous. And they have an ultrasound machine that I got to see it in action today even though we didn't really see anything useful in the cat (well, I'm sure there are useful things in a cat but not what we wanted to see :)).

Tomorrow I work at 8am and afterwards I'm going to putz around downtown a bit. I'm going to be hitting rush-hour but it doesn't matter :) As long as I find parking somewhere I'll be ok. Hopefully I'll have some downtown picture tomorrow and I'm going to ask if I can take pictures of the hospital before I leave so hopefully I'll be able to share those visuals also. If you want to read about where I'm working while waiting for the pictures here's the link


Lynn said...

I needed the chuckle to start my day!!
Get paid to ask questions? Wouldn't we all love that!!
And a recal, sounds fun. :-O
Nothing useful in the cat....sounds like your practicing to be a stand up comedian.
Seriously it sounds interesting! Have fun-learn lots!!

Nanc said...

Hey Kirsten! Sounds like you're having a great time and learning lots! Love the pictures!
Do you miss Cedar?


Kirsten... yep, that's me! said...

I do miss Cedar :( I miss having a fuzzy animal sleeping at the foot of my bed :-D
